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'We Choose to Go to the Club' A Spectacular Space Race Clubnight
'We Choose to Go to the Club' A Spectacular Space Race Clubnight
'We Choose to Go to the Club' A Spectacular Space Race Clubnight

'We Choose to Go to the Club' A Spectacular Space Race Clubnight

The Grand Social


Houston, we’ve got a clubnight! That’s right, DU History chooses to go to the club — not because it is easy, but because it is fun. We will be blasting off on Tuesday, February 13th in The Ballroom of The Grand Social and charting a course for the new frontier. The event will take place with from 10:30 to 2:30 earth time, with some truly out of this world DJs to keep us entertained on our voyage. Drink deals will be available at the bar, to keep the night not only low on gravity but also low on cost! We hope to see all you aspiring astronauts and cosmonauts there for what promises to be an (inter)stellar night!

Organised by


35 Liffey Street Lower, North City, Dublin 1, D01 C3N0, Ireland
The Grand Social
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