Friday 20th September 11:00-13:00, @ The Rubber Crumb
Come along and try Ultimate Frisbee, an exciting, fun and competitive sport! No experience is needed, we welcome all abilities so come and give it a go. It is the perfect sport if you are looking to stay active and pick up something new at University. We provide fun trainings, a friendly environment and the opportunity to compete at the highest level of University Ultimate in BUCS leagues and national tournaments.
- Football boots/similar (if you have them, else sports trainers)
- Water Bottle
- Dark and a Light top
- Your FIXR ticket
- ID for pub trip after :)
Find Events
Exeter Ultimate Frisbee Club
Ultimate Frisbee Taster Session - Fri 20th (Mixed Outdoors)
Ultimate Frisbee Taster Session - Fri 20th (Mixed Outdoors)
Ultimate Frisbee Taster Session - Fri 20th (Mixed Outdoors)
3G Rubber Crumb Pitch, University of Exeter Sports Park