Based on Alice Walker’s bestselling novel of the same name, The Colour Purple is a musical period drama which follows the life of Celie Harris (Fantasia Barrino) a woman living in the American South in the early 1900s. It details the hardships of her life and the discrimination that she receives due to her gender and race but also the comfort and hope that she finds in the women that surround her. A story of integrity and the power of sisterhood, this movie should not be missed.
The Colour Purple
Sun 10 Mar – 6 & 8:45pm
Dir: Blitz Bazawule
Cast: Fantasia Barrino, Taraji P. Henson, Danielle Brooks
Screening of The Colour Purple at Campus cinema (6pm)
Screening of The Colour Purple at Campus cinema (6pm)
The Theatre (M&D room)