This is (possibly) the final film from visionary director Hayao Miyazaki (Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving Castle). It tells the story of a young boy named Mahito who, after the death of his mother during the destruction of the pacific war, must move to a rural estate with his father and new stepmother, Natsuko. During his stay at this estate, he meets a strange Heron who leads him to an old tower in the woods. Unbeknownst to Mahito, this tower is the entrance to another world, where Mahito hopes to find his mother under the guidance of the Heron. One of Miyazaki’s most ambitious works to date, The Boy and The Heron is a whimsical and visually breathtaking film.
The Boy and the Heron
Tues 20 February – 6:15 & 8:45pm
Dir: Hayao Miyazaki
Cast: Soma Santoki, Masaki Suda, Kô Shibasaki
Screening of The boy and the Heron at Campus Cinema (8:45pm)
Screening of The boy and the Heron at Campus Cinema (8:45pm)
The Theatre (M&D room)