One of Aardman’s most popular animated films, Chicken Run centres on a group of chickens who are desperately trying to escape from both their farm and their grisly fates. Ginger (Julia Sawalha), their radical leader, is beginning to run out of options when Rocky the rooster (Mel Gibson) falls out of the sky and promises to teach the hens how to fly out. Will they manage to escape before they’re all turned into pies and is Rocky who he really says he is? Find out in this wacky and heartfelt adventure movie.
Chicken Run
Tues 27 Feb – 6:30 & 8:30
Dir: Peter Lord and Nick Park
Cast: Mel Gibson, Julia Sawalha, Phil Daniels
Screening of Chicken Run at Campus Cinema (6:30pm)
Screening of Chicken Run at Campus Cinema (6:30pm)
The Theatre (M&D room)