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Hong Kong Studnet Alliance CIC
因為愛所以革命 Love in the Time of Revolution @Leeds
因為愛所以革命 Love in the Time of Revolution @Leeds
因為愛所以革命 Love in the Time of Revolution @Leeds

因為愛所以革命 Love in the Time of Revolution @Leeds

Royal Armouries Museum



【是他也是你和我的素人抗爭故事】 《因為愛所以革命》是來自香港街頭的吶喊,紀錄政治和社會動盪時期下,香港人的熱血、精神和犧牲。 2019年,香港政府提出「逃犯條例」修訂,任何身處境內之人皆可能被引渡至中國受審,引發規模空前的抗爭運動。為守護自由和法治,香港人以破紀錄的200萬人遊行,以拯救眼中這座搖搖欲墜的浮城。 當和平遊行再三被無視,勇武抗爭成為另一出路,前線抗爭者與防暴警察爆發衝突,讓街頭彌漫著催淚煙鮮血。勇武背後,有堅持和理非的群眾作後盾,雙方路線輪替,以捍衛我城為共識,維繫這份得來不易的團結。 作品將觀眾帶到香港街頭,走到抗爭最前線,傾聽時代革命下的故事:當人民處身於與城市共命運的時代下,經歷希望與絕望、愛與心碎,為家園而戰的故事。 【Ordinary people telling extraordinary stories】 Echoing with voices from the streets of Hong Kong, "Love in the Time of Revolution" documents the passion, spirit and sacrifice of ordinary Hong Kongers during a time of political and social upheaval. In 2019, Hong Kong government plans to introduce a law permitting the extradition of criminal suspects to Mainland China sparked a mass protest movement unprecedented in scale. The people of Hong Kong marched — 1 million strong, then 2 million — to save what they saw as the city’s eroding freedoms and rule of law. When their demands went unheeded, the protests intensified, and the streets of Hong Kong became soaked in tear gas and blood as valiant frontline protesters clashed with riot police. Behind the frontliners stood a peaceful silent majority, committed to a hard-won solidarity as they attempt to save the city that they love. "Love in the Time of Revolution" takes viewers onto the streets of Hong Kong, to the very front lines of the protests, and follows the stories of just some of the protesters and their fellow Hong Kong citizens. It tells their extraordinary stories: the stories of ordinary people at a pivotal moment in their city’s history, as they experience hope and desperation, love and heartbreak, fighting for their home. *No one younger than 15 may see a 15 film in a cinema. No one younger than 15 may rent or buy a 15 rated video work.


Opens Sat 12th Nov at 1:00 PM (GMT)
Armouries Dr, Leeds, LS10 1LT, United Kingdom
Royal Armouries Museum
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