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ImJustRhul Speed Dates
ImJustRhul: Double Speed Dates 18-25yrs (Round 2)
ImJustRhul: Double Speed Dates 18-25yrs (Round 2)
ImJustRhul: Double Speed Dates 18-25yrs (Round 2)

ImJustRhul: Double Speed Dates 18-25yrs (Round 2)

The Armstrong Gun



We kindly ask you to arrive at the venue between 5-5.15, as you need to sign in with our team, be provided the materials and have the event logistics explained to you. You will tell the team which contact method you would like to be contacted by: text, email or Instagram DM. The event will begin at 5.30pm sharp so you need to be inside beforehand. The venue is private hired and there will be a bar available for you to buy drinks throughout the evening. Your dates will last around 5 minutes long and there will be a three 10 minute breaks. The event should finish around 9.30pm where you're more than welcome to stay the venue as the general public come in. You will be provided with a date rating sheet, whereby you can 'like' up to 10 other date pairs (a like based on whether you felt you had a connection and would like to exchange contact details). If they liked you back, you will match and preferred contact method shared the following day. Female pairs will stay seated during the dates, whereas male pairs will move around the circuit of tables. Each female pair will be allocated a number, each male pair will be allocated a letter or combination of letters. Your rating sheets will have the opposite gendered letters or numbers, i.e. men will have a list of numbers, women will have a list of letters. You can write any comments to help you remember the dates and we advise you to come up with a rating system for your date (remember, you're not just rating physically appearance, you're rating the quality of the connection and whether you'd like to see them again). It is essential that you write any comments, make your ratings and ticks by the correct number or letter corresponding to the person you're dating. You will hand in your rating sheet at the end of the event and your matches will be collated and sent to you the next day. Finally, since you are meeting a number of various people of different ages, occupations, views and backgrounds (some of whom you may not normally go for in the dating pool) - please be respectful. Why Sign Up? Maybe you're all swiped on the apps. Maybe you're recently out of a long term relationship. Maybe you've never found the right person. Maybe you're new to Egham and looking to make friends. Why not try dating old school and meet people in person? Have you ever had dozens of dates in 3 hours? Worst case scenario, you get to socialise with other like-minded individuals and have a laugh. Best case scenario you meet your life partner! To view a testimonials video for a similar events please visit:

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Opens Sun 22nd Jan at 6:45 PM (GMT)
49 Victoria St, Egham, TW20 0QX, United Kingdom
The Armstrong Gun
© VIPR Digital 2024