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LSESU Art Business
Anxious Objects: Collage-Making Workshop with Bengisu Yildram (LSE students only)
Anxious Objects: Collage-Making Workshop with Bengisu Yildram (LSE students only)
Anxious Objects: Collage-Making Workshop with Bengisu Yildram (LSE students only)

Anxious Objects: Collage-Making Workshop with Bengisu Yildram (LSE students only)

Centre Building LSE



This event is only open to LSE students! Bengisu, a creative entrepreneur from Istanbul, will be hosting a collage-making workshop based on the theme "Anxious Objects" on the 1st of February at 17:30pm in the Centre Building (CBG.1.06) at the London School of Economics. According to Suzi Gablik, anxious objects are artworks that make us feel uneasy, bothered, anxious or make us question what art is. The concept of "anxious objects" in art, as discussed by Suzi Gablik, refers to works that are designed to provoke, challenge, and disrupt the viewer's expectations and perceptions. These pieces of art go beyond mere aesthetic value; they are imbued with a sense of social or political urgency, reflecting the anxieties and concerns of the era in which they were created. We will provide all materials (paint, watercolour, photography prints, magazine cutouts, recycled materials...) - the idea is to create your own anxious object with the materials provided. The structure of the workshop will be as follows: Introduction (15 minutes): - Brief discussion on "anxious objects" in art. - Welcome and Icebreaker: Encourage participants to share their experiences with art and any prior knowledge of Suzi Gablik or the "Anxious Objects" article. - Overview of Suzi Gablik's "Anxious Objects": Provide a summary of key concepts and themes from the article. - Showcase examples of artworks that reflect societal anxieties. - Explain the workshop's theme and objectives. Idea Generation Session (30 minutes): - Give participants 15 minutes to think about their selected anxious objects in groups or individually after having a discussion and reflection. - Encourage participants to ask questions and engage in a broader discussion about the relevance of Gablik's concepts to contemporary society following a set of questions on art, what it is and how it's perceived and curated by me. - Participants brainstorm ideas and select a specific theme or issue they want to address (e.g., environmental crisis, social justice, mental health, personal stories). - Quick sketching or mind-mapping to visualize ideas. Art Creation/ Artistic Expression (60-90 minutes) - Participants create their mixed media artworks. They will be encouraged to combine different materials and techniques to express their chosen theme. - Bengisu will offer guidance and encourage creative experimentation. Collaborative Element (Optional, 30 minutes) - Participants pair up or form small groups to add elements to each other's works, fostering collaboration and new perspectives. Group Discussion and Reflection (30 minutes) - Volunteers can present their artwork to the group. - Discuss the themes and ideas expressed in each piece. - Reflect on the differences in creative outcomes

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Houghton St, London, WC2A 2AZ, Regno Unito
Centre Building LSE
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