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Trinity Sport
Men's Mixed Ability Rugby
Men's Mixed Ability Rugby
Men's Mixed Ability Rugby

Men's Mixed Ability Rugby

Trinity Sport

Dublin 2


Register your interest for Men's Mixed Ability Social Rugby delivered by Trinity Sport and Trinity Rugby over 6 weeks. The focus of all sessions is to provide a social setting where participants can have fun, make new friends and improve your fitness. Sessions are delivered in a safe and controlled environment with reduced contact so there should be no worries over injuries. No prior experience needed and we welcome all ability levels. Session details: Start: 28th September Location: Rugby Pitch Day: Thursday Time: 4:30pm - 5:30pm Final session will be on the 02nd November and will include complimentary food in the Pavilion Bar afterwards.

Organised by


43 Pearse St, Dublin 2, D02 W085, Ireland
Trinity Sport
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