Join OODS for some stunning walks across Exmoor. The Dulverton walks take you into the heart of Exmoor and allow you to enjoy some gorgeous landscapes, waterways and wildlife. These are not walks to be missed and are always a brilliant time.
We VERY STRONGLY advise wearing SUITABLE footwear. OODS reserves the right to refuse attendance for unsafe footwear, especially in winter!
The Basics:
- 2 coach walks exploring Exmoor and the stunning surroundings. Ticket price covers cost of transport! (Members get a discount:))
Walk A: Exford to Dulverton
- Walk length: 13 miles/ 21 kilometres - Severe.
- Walk rating: Moderate, severe in places.
Walk B: Bridgetown to Dulverton
- Walk length: 7.5 miles/ 12 kilometres - Moderate.
- Walk rating: Moderate.
Coach pick-up locations: !!PLEASE NOTE IT IS AN EARLIER TIME!!
St Davids Station (outside): 8:20, for 08:30 depart.
Lafrowda Cottage: 08:25, for 08:35 depart.
Cheeke Street, Stop 39: 08:30, for 08:40 depart.
Please make sure you are at the pick-up location for the earlier time, the coach WON'T wait.
We will be back in Exeter by 18:30.
What to bring:
You MUST wear suitable footwear and bring weather appropriate clothing (Waterproofs, hats, sun cream, etc.). OODS reserves the right to reject attendees wearing unsafe footwear/clothing. Suitable footwear is essential. Please bring a lunch and water, as well as snacks.
Returns policy:
If you are unable to attend the walk please contact the society no later than Midday Thursday. We are unable to offer a refund after this point.
We are unable to offer a refund for any incorrectly applied promocodes.
Emergency Contact/Illnesses: If you have any medical conditions incl. severe allergies please let our president Max know, and bring any medication which you may need.
Contact OODS on Instagram: Outofdoors_exeter, OR Facebook: Out of Doors Society Exeter, OR on the society Whatsapp group (members only!).

University of Exeter, Exeter EX4, United Kingdom