Our next debate approaches the topic of the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan.
On the 24th of December of 1979, Soviet forces invaded Kabul, and toppled the presidency of Hafizullah Amin, leading to war in Afghanistan. The event remains one of the most critical in the recent history of Afghanistan, resulting in the near 50 year presence of conflict within the nation.
In this historical debate, we will carefully examine different historical perspectives, exploring the motivations, and trajectories surrounding the invasion. Join us this Tuesday in the Matrix Lecture Theatre, where we will be discussing from the standpoints held in January 1980. As such, please do make sure to read the study guide which will be released on our LinkTree (accessible through our Instagram bio) in due course.
Sensitivity to all perspectives is paramount in our discussion, and we highly encourage a respectful and open exchange of ideas. Our welfare lead, Matthew, will be present on the night and you can ask him any questions directly on @matthewjdavies03, or through our Instagram account.
We hope to see you there.
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan – Historical Debate

Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan – Historical Debate
Building One: Matrix Lecture Theatre