Our SSLs are open to all University of Exeter students, staff and alumni, with teams usually entered representing halls, academic subjects, sports clubs, societies or groups of friends.
Term 2 League dates: Sunday 2nd Feb - Sunday 23rd March
Registration Deadline: Friday 17th January
Friday 6 Aside - 6-10pm (Sand pitch)
Saturday 6 Aside - 4-8pm (Rubber Crumb)
Sunday 6 Aside - 6-10pm (Rubber Crumb)
Saturday 11 aside 12:30-4pm (Rubber Crumb)
1. Team Captains register by purchasing a ticket on the Student Sport Fixr for your chosen league.
2. When purchasing, provide the following details: Team name, Team Captains name, Email.
3. Teams will be added to Playwaze by the Social Sport Admin, where captains can view fixtures and input results.
4.If a league is sold out, complete the Microsoft Form to join the waitlist.
Contact [email protected] if you have any questions or issues signing up!
Social Sports League - Football

Social Sports League - Football
Streatham Sports Park Exeter University