Currently nominated for 5 Academy Awards at the 2024 Oscars, this timeless coming of age story follows Paul Hunman, a stubborn professor working at a New England Prep School who is asked to look after the children who can’t go home to their families during the Winter holidays. A few days in, many of the children manage to find an escape from the school, leaving Hunman alone with one of his older students and the head cook. Despite being very different from each other, the three learn to adapt to their company as an unlikely bond begins to form bringing out the characters’ true personalities.
The Holdovers
Sun 3 Mar – 6 & 8:45pm
Dir: Alexander Payne
Cast: Paul Giamatti, Da’Vine Joy Randolph, Dominic Sessa
Screening of The Holdovers at Campus Cinema (6pm)
Screening of The Holdovers at Campus Cinema (6pm)
The Theatre (M&D room)