In this iconic comedy drama, Anne Hathaway plays Andie, a recent graduate who moves to New York, looking to enter the world of journalism in any way possible. She encounters and applies for a job at a high fashion magazine, unaware of the challenges and judgement that the job entails. There she meets Miranda Priestley (Meryl Streep), the editor-in-chief and her new boss who is known for being demanding and unforgiving. She must try to survive in this hostile environment where one bad move could mean the end of her entire career.
The Devil Wears Prada
Tues 5 Mar – 6:30 & 8:45pm
Dir: David Frankel
Cast: Anne Hathaway, Meryl Streep, Emily Blunt
Screening of Devil wears Prada at Campus cinema (6:30pm)

Screening of Devil wears Prada at Campus cinema (6:30pm)
The Theatre (M&D room)