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LUU Physics
Physoc Chicken Chase
Physoc Chicken Chase
Physoc Chicken Chase

Physoc Chicken Chase

Revolution Electric Press


**NON-SOCIETY MEMBER TICKETS HERE - SOCIETY MEMBER TICKETS AVAILABLE ON ENGAGE** The Chicken Chase is here! The rules are simple: everyone who buys a ticket meets up at Revs at 2pm, where we'll have a drink and randomly choose a chicken to go and hide in a pub or bar somewhere in Leeds. Everyone else will then set off trying to find them! Every time you go to the wrong pub, you have to have a drink. Slowly but surely the list of available pubs will be reduced. All money from ticket sales will go into a bar tab to be set up wherever the chicken goes, and once you find the chicken you can use the bar tab as well. Come and join in the fun!

Organised by


41 Cookridge St, Leeds LS2 3AW, UK
Revolution Electric Press
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