Pharaoh Power United States Reviews: There’s a common idea that the NWoTHM for the most part was the second coming of classic ’80s metal styles, primarily of the NWoBHM and its immediate descendants, and that we mostly owe it to bands like 3 Inches of Blood, Enforcer, Alpha Tiger, White Wizzard and so on for the second wind of what many believed was an extinct style (as opposed to a wide umbrella encompassing more than we can name). This of course falls apart if you actually dig deeper into metal as a whole past whatever golden age record labels, tastemakers, and hype-makers are telling you is coming back. Another misconception that follows in its wake is that these styles are essentially finished projects with not much if anything left to offer in terms of growth or idiosyncrasy which falls just as flat after a bit of snooping around the less glamorous corners of an increasingly commercialized genre.
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