Please join us for a colloquium and dinner to celebrate the centenary of the Oxford Bibliographical Society!
*Dinner tickets are no longer available*
The colloquium will be held in the Lecture Theatre, Weston Library, Oxford. The programme, which we will circulate shortly, will feature both established and early-career scholars talking on a range of topics, including the history of the book in Oxford, current research in both manuscripts and printed books, the future of bibliography and, of course, the role of the Oxford Bibliographical Society. Some of our confirmed speakers include:
Richard Ovenden, Henry Woudhuysen, Eyob Derillo, Heather Wolfe, Abigail Williams, Sian Witherden, Paul W. Nash, Elizabeth Solopova, Peter Kornicki, Will Poole, David Pearson, Virgina Lladó-Buisán, Ian Gadd, Julia Walworth, Georgina Wilson, Katarzyna Anna Kapitan, Justine Provino, and Pim Verhulst.
You will also have the chance to visit an exhibition of material from the previously inaccessible OBS archive.
The celebrations will continue with a three-course dinner at New College, at which David McKitterick will be speaking. Even if you cannot make it to the colloquium, please do consider joining us to raise a glass to another one hundred years of the OBS!
OBS Centenary Colloquium & Dinner

OBS Centenary Colloquium & Dinner
Weston Library, Oxford; New College, Oxford