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Naked Speed Dating for ages 30-45
Naked Speed Dating for ages 30-45
Naked Speed Dating for ages 30-45

Naked Speed Dating for ages 30-45

The Exhibit, Balham



Our Naked Speed Dating event is certain to get tongues wagging and heads turning for all for the right reasons. But if you are pondering how this event came about and want to know more, look no further. If you've ever tuned into Channel 4s Naked Attraction you'll understand the science behind it. Here's why.... The selection and attraction of a suitable mate is one of fundamental importance to all species, both in the animal kingdom and with humans too. With this in mind, its not surprising that in the world of dating the same kind of attraction and science applies. So just like Naked Attraction which features men and women selecting from a range of potential dates, entirely naked, our brand new naked speed dating will do the same. On arrival to our venue in London, eager speed daters will be given dressing gowns to change into. From here on in, We are operating a clothes optional policy so for the more frivolous you can choose to bare all, or if you prefer, you can keep your underwear on. The event is exactly the same as a regular Speed Dating event with each date lasting around 4 minutes. At the start of the first date guests will be invited to take off their gowns to Speed Dating naked or if you wish to keep it on you can. You can expect to meet around 10-15 people at this event with an equal ratio of men and women. We will provide scorecards and pens to make notes and the matches will be published the following day. But how does this process help us make a decision about our perfect match? While the old saying goes Don't judge a book by its cover is very true, our naked speed dating in London helps to solidify the importance of getting to know someone and see beyond physical attraction. That said, the importance placed on appearance, and the information we obtain from appearance, whether consciously or unconsciously, is something to which we can all relate. The event starts at 8pm prompt and any guests arriving late may not be able to take part so please ensure you arrive 15-30 minutes before the scheduled start time to allow for registration. Please be aware that speed dating places are limited and the majority of our events do sell out, so please book early to avoid disappointment. If you have any queries about this event please contact us at [email protected] or call our telephone bookings hotline on 0845 862 1448 (9am 5pm).

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Balham Station Rd, London, SW12 9SG, United Kingdom
The Exhibit, Balham
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