Embark on an epic cinematic journey with us as we present the grand finale in our Harry Potter Movie Marathon, featuring the penultimate film of the series. Witness the dramatic turning point as the once-impervious protective figure Dumbledore shielding Harry Potter is shattered, exposing him to newfound vulnerability. A malevolent force is unleashed as the Dark Lord, Voldemort, casts a shadow of fear, threatening everything Harry cherishes. With the inescapable confrontation looming, Harry confronts the gravity of his quest—tracking down and annihilating the remaining Horcruxes, fragments of Voldemort's soul hidden in mysterious objects. The weight of destiny presses upon him as he prepares for the ultimate battle, understanding that victory over his nemesis is the sole path to peace. Join us on Friday, the 16th, at 5:30, as we delve into the heart-pounding conclusion of the saga. Will Harry emerge triumphant? The answer awaits you in this riveting cinematic experience.
Movie & Trivia Night: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows P1
Movie & Trivia Night: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows P1
Newman Red LT