UH OH OXFORD!! Dobby found a crusty sock and now SHE’S FREE 🔥 the bussylisk has crept out of the chamber of cishets and he/they won’t go back until they get their c***ies 👀 professor mcglockagle says it’s time to gobble gobble the rest of your slop AND PUT ON YOUR PARTY DRESS because we’re back for another night of debauchery.
You’ve heard us! We’re back next week at The Bullingdon for a magical night of TERF culture: Haute Mess and the Philosopher’s Mones xoxo
(Note: anyone rocking up in Harry Potter gear will be forced to pay a £50 tip to a local trans girl — we don’t make the rules!! But in all seriousness, don’t be giving she who shall not be named any of your money. Creative defacement of Pottermore ONLY 😡😡😡)
Haute Mess 2nd March @ The Bullingdon

Haute Mess 2nd March @ The Bullingdon
The Bullingdon