Need some help getting in the zone with your studying or coursework?
We’re hosting a group Pomodoro session to help! The Pomodoro technique is focusing on work for an intense 20-25 minutes at a time without distractions, breaking up those periods with 10-15 minute breaks. You’ll have the Greenhouse room and its tables to yourselves for the session, and there will be someone there to help lead and keep time.
A group session is a great way to get motivated, seeing everyone else around you in the same boat and possibly meeting some new people during the breaks!
Feel free to bring your own snacks! Let’s get studying!
Devonshire House has step-free access through the Forum, and we’ll ask the group at the beginning of the session about light levels. If you’re unable to get a ticket, still feel free to pop in at any time during the session to see if there are any empty seats! You’ll be more than welcome.
This was an idea suggested by a fellow student! Reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any ideas for things you’d like to see us things!
Group Pomodoro Study Sessions

Group Pomodoro Study Sessions
Devonshire House - The Greenhouse