Join over 40 people for a fun Speed Dating event at Forge bar in the City of London on Friday night. This event is for ages 23-35 (age guide) and we expect there to be around 20 dates with an equal number of men and women.
On arrival at the venue go downstairs where the event will be taking place. One of our friendly hosts will greet you and explain how the event works.
Speed Dating is a fun way to meet lots of new people in short 4 minute dates before moving onto the next person. We will provide you with name tags, scorecards & pens and you will be able to contact your matches the following day through our website.
Why not give Speed Dating a go? It's fast, fun and flirty. Tickets are only £20 and if you don't meet anyone you would like to see again you can attend another event but with over 80% of attendees getting a match we are fairly confident that Speed Dating really does work.
Friday Night Speed Dating @ Forge bar (Ages 23-35)

Friday Night Speed Dating @ Forge bar (Ages 23-35)