Everyone’s invited to our pop-up Faith Café as part of our Faith and Culture day of Welcome Week!
All are welcome – whether you consider yourself to have a faith, don’t, not sure or still exploring, please do come along where you have a few minutes or longer!
Find your community! Our different faith-based societies will be around throughout the day so you can find out more about what it’s like to be a student of faith at Exeter.
We’ll have plenty of refreshments, crafts, and board games for you to enjoy.
(Also come back later from 14.00-16.00 as the Faith Café continues and we’ll be joined with our friends from the Multifaith Chaplaincy!)
There is wheelchair access (lifts by Great Hall or in Devonshire House). There is basic seating, an accessible toilet (Sanctuary or Forum), a gender neutral toilet (Forum), a designated quiet space (Exehale), general car parking, and blue badge parking. There isn't a hearing loop, or a BSL interpreter.
Faith Cafe

Faith Cafe
The Terrace, Devonshire House