The Classic and Modern Motorsport Club return this May for a double header weekend with the ever popular mix of classic cars. Expect to see a packed weekend of entertainment featuring Intermarque Silhouettes, Super Saloons and Tin Tops.
Gates open at 08:00 Saturday & Sunday
Day tickets available at the gate - £20
Free entry for U14's
Strictly No Pets
WARNING! Motorsport can be dangerous. Despite the organisers taking all reasonable precautions, unavoidable accidents can happen. In respect of this, you are present at your own risk!
Event tickets must not be sold, resold, or transferred, each ticket will admit 1 person only and once entry has been given, the ticket will be invalidated.
Please ensure you have your tickets printed or downloaded to your mobile device, ready to be scanned on arrival at the gate. Under no circumstances are animals permitted anywhere on the site.
Classic and Modern Motorsport – Race Weekend

Classic and Modern Motorsport – Race Weekend
Mallory Park Racing Circuit
Kirkby Mallory