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Exeter Touch Rugby Club
Charity Shop X IDR Social
Charity Shop X IDR Social
Charity Shop X IDR Social

Charity Shop X IDR Social




This week the theme is Charity Shop Garms 👔🧥👗. We’d love to see the wildest array of apparel you can pull together from Exeter’s top charity shops, all for the lowest price you can 🤑. Extra points go to special items, props and accessories. Due to Harrison missing his date in court last week, we deem it only fair that he tracks down one of the finest second hand, and sustainable, dresses to go with his outfit! Alongside the charity shop theme, there are also some International rules that we would like everyone to abide by; prepare for some minor coaching: **IDR** 1. EG (Empty Glass) – hope you all know this one by now. 2. Dangerous vessel - keep your drink over a thumb’s length away from the edge of the table 3. Save the Queen – if someone puts a coin in your drink while you are holding it, don’t let the Queen drown. 4. Left handed – pretty simple, drink with your left hand. 5. How’s that??? - If anyone passes you a drink, you must say “not out” or else you are out, and in serious trouble… 6. Protect your wicket - pinky fingers are used to protect the bottom of your drink. If someone taps the bottom of your glass with their pinky, you know what that means… 7. No Name - You cannot say the first name of any person. 8. No Pointing - Rather self-explanatory. 9. Lino/Offside - Always hold your glass below the level of your drink.

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Little Castle Street, Exeter EX4 3PX, Exeter , EX4 3PX
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