Join us in the UK City of Culture for the Hull York Medical School Student Research Conference 2018!
Hosted by the HYMS Student Research Society, and open to all medical, biomedical science and allied health students, conference attendees will have the opportunity to explore topics at the cutting edge of healthcare research. Best of all, the tickets are FREE (with £10 deposit refunded on attending)!
- Professor Brigitte Scammell, Head of Academic Orthopedic Unit, Admissions Sub-Dean for the Faculty of Medicine at Nottingham, Her main research interests are in the biology of fracture healing and osteoarthritis. This involves research into the fate of the chondrocytes and angiogenesis and biomaterials-related infection.
- Professor Sunil Bhandari. Consultant in Nephrology and Honorary Professor at Hull York Medical School (HYMS) and Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust; Co-Director of UK Advanced Nephrology Course; Deputy Head of School of Medicine for Yorkshire and Humber and International Director for RCPE. Professor Bhandari leads in collaboration a research program based around renal anaemia, CKD progression (STOP ACEI Trial) and the effects of iron therapy on cardiac and renal function with a focus on uraemic cardiomyopathy and mitochondrial function.
We are now accepting abstract submissions for poster and oral presentations.
Abstract submissions
The deadline for submission is Friday the 12th of October 2018. All submissions will be considered for poster presentation, with the best 3 abstracts chosen for oral presentation on the day.
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HYMS Student Research Society
Hull York Medical School's 2nd Student Research Conference
Hull York Medical School's 2nd Student Research Conference

Hull York Medical School's 2nd Student Research Conference
Allam Medical Building