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Careers in ornithology talk
Careers in ornithology talk

Careers in ornithology talk

Auk room, zoology building

Dublin 2


talk summary: In Ireland, there are lots of year-round, full-time field ornithology positions in the renewable sector. This is down to the ambitious targets set by the Irish government in the Climate Action Plan 2023. If the government is to deliver on its Plan, it will need to double the amount of energy contributed by onshore wind by 2030, this will translate to a huge amount of work for field ornithologists to support these wind farm planning applications. We at MKO – Planning and Environmental Consultants are seeing first-hand that the demand for field ornithologists has dramatically outstripped the supply. MKO wishes to highlight this opportunity to all those interested in ornithology.


College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland
Auk room, zoology building
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